пятница, 30 июля 2021 г.


Técnicas de Decoración con Chocolate

Fuente: http://elclubdelchocolate.blogspot.com.es/2012/03/de-coberturas-de-chocolateno-es-lo.html

Podemos distinguir básicamente tres tipos de coberturas:

Negra. Es la cobertura propiamente dicha y que otros llaman amarga. El porcentaje de cacao llega hata el 75% aunque el ideal es en torno al 70% de cacao y hasta un 40% de grasa total lo que le permite una fluidez excelente.

Con leche. Es una cobertura que ronda el 40% de cacao y similar porcentaje de manteca de cacao. Lógicamente se le añade leche además de azúcar y especias o lecitina. Su fluidez también es muy buena.

Blanca. Hablando con propiedad, no es "chocolate" ya que tiene menor porcentaje de cacao (+/- 30% cacao) que de manteca de cacao (+/- 40% cacao). Se le añade leche además de azúcar y especias o lecitina. Su fluidez también es muy buena.





Chocolate para Modelar con Candy Melts


14 oz Chocolate Candy Melts (400 g) *ver fotos de los chocolates que use: AQUI y AQUI.

⅓ taza de jarabe de maíz / corn syrup (79 ml)


Derrite el chocolate en el microondas o a baño maría siguiendo las instrucciones del paquete. Ten cuidado de no sobre calentarlo.

Revuelve el chocolate hasta que se derrita por completo y una vez que se haya enfriado a temperatura ambiente (tibio al tacto) y que aun este fluido. Échale el jarabe de maíz y con una espátula mezcla suavemente raspando los lados del recipiente hasta que el jarabe de maíz se haya incorporado completamente con todo el chocolate, se tarda alrededor de un minuto. La mezcla debe ser similar a una bola de masa de galletas. Ten cuidado de no sobre mezclar o dañará la mezcla y el chocolate se rompa en pedazos.

Vierte la mezcla en un papel plástico, extiende un poco y la cubres completamente con el plástico. Deja reposar a temperatura ambiente durante una hora, luego amasa con un espátula y vuelve a colocar entre dos hojas plásticas o una funda ziplock y extiende la masa con un rodillo. Deja reposar durante la noche a temperatura ambiente para que se ponga firme. Al día siguiente el clay de chocolate estará listo para que puedas moldear en cualquiera forma o decoración que tu corazón te dicte. Disfrútalo!

Notas: 5/31/13 Se debe usar colorantes con base de aceite para colorear el chocolate. Los colorantes que yo uso para trabajar con chocolate son Wilton Candy Color . Se le agrega un poco de colorante después que este lista la masilla.


De Manualidades.com


  • Chocolate oscuro
  • Chocolate blanco
  • Colorante vegetal (opcional)
  • Una imagen de la que quieras hacer el diseño
  • Una bandeja o un cartón
  • Papel pergamino
  • Bolsas de plástico pequeñas
  • Una brocheta o mondadientes

Primero, la imagen que quieras hacer la tendrás que pasar a blanco y negro.

Fija con cinta adhesiva la imagen al pedazo de cartón o a la bandeja, de manera que no se mueva.

Coloca encima el papel pergamino y haz lo mismo.

En un contenedor calienta el agua a 50ºC. Pon en una bolsa los pedazos de chocolate oscuro en una esquina y sumérgelos en el agua para que se derritan. Procura que no queden grumos.

Cuando se haya derretido, corta la punta y comienza a rellenar las zonas oscuras de la imagen. Para áreas que requieran mayor detalle puedes utilizar la brocheta o el mondadientes.

Cuando hayas terminado, pon el chocolate en el refrigerador.

Para aplicar tonalidades intermedias entre el blanco y negro, mezcla los dos chocolates. Está bien si te excedes un poco hacia las áreas negras, ya que lo que estás haciendo quedará al reverso.

Vuelve a refrigerar cuando hayas terminado.

Por último, utiliza el chocolate blanco para rellenar el fondo. Es fácil, solo tienes que cubrir toda la imagen. Recuerda que esto quedará al reverso, así que no importa que cubras el resto del chocolate. Eso sí, evita que esté muy caliente a la hora de aplicarlo, para que no derrita el resto del trabajo.

Pon una capa gruesa para que no se resquebraje el chocolate. Cuando hayas terminado, refrigéralo. Una vez que se haya solificado dale la vuelta.



  • Chocolate para fundir, Hojas, Papel antiadherente de horno, Una brocha

  1. Elegimos unas hojas bonitas, firmes y hermosas, del mismo tipo o variadas. Procuraremos que tengan una nervadura bien formada y con relieve como las de la hiedra. Al cortarlas tenemos que dejarles un poco de tallo. Después las lavamos y las dejamos secar bien.

  1. Fundimos un chocolate cobertura de buena calidad cortado en trozos. Podemos hacerlo al baño María o a potencia mínima en el microondas. Para que mientras preparamos las hojas no se nos endurezca el chocolate, es preferible mantenerlo en caliente a fuego mínimo o en agua hirviendo.
  2. Un vez fundido el chocolate, con ayuda de un pincel aplicamos una primera capa de chocolate sobre la parte interior de la hoja, en la que se notan los nervios. Aplicamos el chocolate superficialmente pero cubriendo toda la hoja.
  3. Dejamos secar las hojas chocolateadas sobre una bandeja con papel antiadherente.
  4. Una vez que el chocolate se ha endurecido aplicamos una segunda capa de chocolate y lo dejamos endurecer en la nevera durante una hora.
  5. Para despegar la hoja, lo hacemos cogiéndola por el tallo y la vamos retirando con cuidado de no romper el chocolate.
  6. Decoramos rápidamente el postre para evitar manipular demasiado las hojas con el fin de que no se derritan.









Grand-Place chocolate techniques

среда, 28 июля 2021 г.


Tarta de chocolate y caramelo

Tarta de chocolate y caramelo

Hoy tenemos una impresionante tarta de chocolate y caramelo decorada exquisitamente con una capa de buttercream simulando un manto de rosas. Una receta espectacular que merece la pena intentar.

Imágenes y receta de María lunarillos


Para el bizcocho de chocolate:

230 g de chocolate

170 g de mantequilla sin sal

350 g de azúcar moreno

3 huevos XL

1 y 1/2 cucharadita de levadura

1 y 1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato

1/2 cucharadita de sal

370 g de harina

500 ml de leche a temperatura ambiente

1/3 cucharadita de cremor tártaro (opcional)

Para el buttercream de caramelo:

500 g de mantequilla sin sal a temperatura ambiente

800 g de icing sugar (o azúcar glass en su defecto)

60 g de leche semidesnatada

100 g de caramelo líquido

Receta completa aquí


Deliciosa tarta de queso y moras libre de gluten
Deliciosa tarta de queso y moras libre de gluten

Tarta de chocolate sin horno
Tarta de chocolate sin horno

Deliciosa tarta integral de chocolate y nata
Deliciosa tarta integral de chocolate y nata

понедельник, 26 июля 2021 г.


Subscribe to Can't Stay Out Of The Kitchen

Oh, my heavens, Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins are so marvelous, you will want to bake up a batch of these tasty and delicious muffins every weekend for breakfast! Seriously, these muffins are amazing. The chocolate chips soften from the heat of the oven so they become very gooey. The taste buds are exposed to that ooey, gooey texture while savoring every morsel of these delectable muffins, and you will close your eyes in delight at every bite.

Last month I offered to provide snacks for a friend who was hosting a party at her house for our new youth pastor, his wife, and the youth from our church. Several people provided appetizers and snacks, but I had first dibs on providing sweets for the sweet tooth. I chose to make three kinds of banana muffins and a strawberry bar. All the kids raved over the “desserts.” Even though muffins are not usually considered dessert, they provided a great snack item for all the teenagers and they wolfed them down promptly. You will see why after one bite!

I was looking for a way to use up an abundance of overripe bananas so I found this recipe on Pinterest and decided to give it a try. Oh, man, one bite and I was drooling. The big thing to remember when making muffins is not to overmix the batter. I used a whisk for the first part, and then when adding the flour and chocolate chips, I stirred only until moistened. Also, when baking muffins, I’ve found it’s better to bake them at 425 for the first 5 minutes of baking time. Then lower the temperature to 350 and bake for the remaining 15-20 minutes. This allows the muffins to raise a little better than if you bake the muffins at a lower temperature throughout the baking time.

If you’re looking for an awesome muffin recipe for breakfast, holidays, brunches, snacks or for “dessert,” then make up a batch of Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins the next time you have a few overripe bananas. Everyone in your house will be salivating after one bite.

You will be drooling big time over these amazing muffins.

The chocolate chips soften while baking making Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins ooey, gooey and decadent!

Here’s what I did.

I used these ingredients.

Soften butter and place in a mixing bowl. Add sugar, egg, salt, baking powder, mashed bananas, vanilla and milk.

Whisk ingredients to combine. It’s okay to leave larger pieces of banana in the batter so don’t whisk too vigorously.

Add UNBLEACHED all-purpose flour. Bleached flour toughens baked goods. Add chocolate chips.

Stir ingredients gently with a wooden spoon to just moisten. Don’t overmix the batter.

Spray muffin tins with cooking spray. Divide batter evenly among 13 muffin tins filling almost to the top. Sprinkle additional chocolate chips on top of the batter.

Bake at 425 for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 and bake an additional 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Serve Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins for breakfast or brunch.

You may also enjoy serving these muffins for afternoon snacks or dessert!

Here’s the recipe.


(Recipe adapted from Jessie Next Door; source: adapted from Epicurious)

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins


Prep time 15 mins

Cook time 25 mins

Total time 40 mins

These lovely muffins are great for breakfast or dessert! Lots of chocolate chips soften during baking causing these muffins to become ooey, gooey and delicious. You and your family will be salivating over these delectable muffins.

Author: Teresa Ambra adapted from Jessie Next Door; Source: adapted from Epicurious Recipe type: Breads, Rolls and Muffins Cuisine: American Serves: 13


  • 1 ½ cups Gold Medal UNBLEACHED all-purpose flour (bleached flour toughens baked goods)
  • ⅔ cup sugar
  • 1 ½ tsp. baking powder
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • 2 large or 3 small-medium ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1 large egg
  • ½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • ¼ cup milk (I used 2%)
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • additional chocolate chips for top of muffins


  1. Preheat oven to 425°.
  2. Mix sugar, baking powder, salt, bananas, egg, butter, vanilla and milk in a large mixing bowl with a whisk.
  3. Add flour and 1 cup of chocolate chips.
  4. Stir gently with a wooden spoon just until combined.
  5. Don’t overmix the batter.
  6. Spray 13 muffin tins with cooking spray.
  7. Spoon batter evenly into each muffin tin.
  8. Sprinkle additional chocolate chips over top of batter. (I added close to 10 chocolate chips on top of each muffin).
  9. Bake at 425° for 5 minutes.
  10. Adjust temperature to 350°.
  11. Continue baking an additional 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
  12. Cool.

Notes The secret to having muffins that raise perfectly every time is to start the baking at a high temperature (425°), and then lower the temperature to 350° after 5 minutes. This allows the muffins to raise properly. If you bake muffins at a steady 350° for the whole length of baking time, they will usually be flat on top.


Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins are great to serve for holiday breakfasts and brunches, too.

Prepare for a stampede if you serve these delectable muffins to friends or family!

You may also enjoy these delicious recipes!


Strawberry White Chocolate Pie

Made this when I bought four pounds of strawberries from Costco. Needed to use them up and this was delicious! Its similar to a recipe we already have on here but its got a little twist with the white chocolate IN the mix and on top.



1 1/2 C graham cracker crumbs

5 T butter, melted

dash salt


12 ounces cream cheese, softened (1 1/2 packages)

2 C powdered sugar

1/2 C white chocolate chips

1 1/2 T orange juice (fresh please)

2 C cool whip

dash of salt


1 pound strawberries, sliced

3 T white chocolate chips

Read full instructions on : jamiecooksitup.net

пятница, 23 июля 2021 г.


Strawberry & White Chocolate Scones

So um...

These guys are really tasty. Like extremely suprisingly delicious.

I have never been one for strawberry-flavored things. I LOVE the berry. Fresh sweet strawberries are absolutely amazing!

But I can't deal with strawberry ice cream, or pie (unless it has rhubarb to sour it up a bit), or strawberry jam.

My mom used to give us cut up strawberries for dessert growing up, and she'd sprinkle a little sugar on them so they'd get a little syrup going...my siblings were obsessed! I always asked for them sans sugar. I just never liked overly sweet things in one bite.

These guys however...they've changed my mind about baking with strawberries. And white chocolate. That's one of the best things about the Chocolate Blog Party. I try new things I never would've known I'd like. And it's so fun!

The recipe comes from one of my favorite bloggers, Smitten Kitchen. She made them as biscuits, and I found that my batter came out more scone-like as I made a few adjustments.

They were the perfect way for me to unwind this afternoon after knocking my first final exam and a presentation out of the way. The semester is winding down, and I'm getting nervous, excited and sad all in the same time!

I hate to say goodbye to my wonderful San Sebastián (literally in looove with this city) and all of the fantastic friends I've made, but I'm also unbelievably excited for my summer travels! Definitely full of mixed emotions as it finally sets in...I have a little over a week left before I pack up and start travels. Eep. Just have to survive 2 more final exams and a paper!

These scones most definitely have aided in the emotional roller-coaster that are these realizations of leaving! Baking always makes me feel better! :D

So here we go:

2 cups flour

1 tbsp baking powder

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp salt

85 grams COLD unsalted butter (cubed)

1 cup chopped strawberries (the riper the better)

3/4 cup chopped white chocolate

(plus a few tablespoons chocolate to melt and drizzle on top when baked)

3/4 cup heavy cream (plus 2 tsp to use to melt white chocolate)

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment or foil.

In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. Then cut the butter in with a pastry cutter, or 2 knives until only pea-sized lumps remain.

Then fold in the strawberries and chocolate with a rubber spatula until the berries are coated in the flour. Then pour in the heavy cream, and gently stir to distribute.

Once the cream has mostly absorbed, use your hands to knead the dough in the bowl GENTLY, to get all of it in a ball. Be sure to not overwork the dough, not everything needs to be mixed entirely! Pour out onto a well floured surface, and sprinkle top with flour. Gently press the dough until its down to 3/4 inch thickness, and in the shape of a circle.

Using a large, floured chef's knife, cut the circle into 8 even wedges.

Place on the baking sheet giving each scone a couple inches to grow, and bake for 12-15 minutes. Once they have cooled, microwave the extra white chocolate and a little bit of cream until melted. Using a ziploc or a pastry cone decorate with zig zags or stripes of chocolate.

And there ya go! If you've made scones before, definitely a super easy recipe! If this is your first time, still a fairly manageable dough to work with. :) And ohhh so yummy when they come out. Now to look towards surviving my 3rd to last finals week. EVER. How crazy is that??!

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